Refresh - our theme for January. Join us on a vinous adventure.
Break free from the mainstream. Explore new regions, rare varietals, fresh styles. Ditch the humdrum. We’ll take you to places most other wine shops don’t venture and help you discover delicious new wines and experience new delights.
Why do dry-January* when you could embrace Try-anuary instead.
Our monthly cases are going out to subscribers now, complete with a guide to what’s included in each box. Find them at and in the shop in Shrewsbury Market Hall. Browse the shelves or website for something new. Ask us for a recommendation based on the kind of wine you usually enjoy. Or visit one of the bars, GlouGlou and PetitGlou, and explore the Glouniverse of wine!
*seriously don’t get us started on Dry-January. It’s already a tough month for hospitality and the whole wine supply chain, right back to the growers. Plus it’s dark and cold out there so it’s got to be a good month to enjoy a glass of good wine hasn’t it?! And we always advocate less but better which works for everyone: more money for the grower so they can afford to work more sustainably, a better wine for you, and a higher quality wine that will hold up well for drinking over a few days.
Buy better. Drink well.