Great taste in wine walks hand in hand with great taste in teas.
The story of Kusmi Tea started in 1867 when Pavel Kousmichoff founded a tea house in St.Petersburg, Russia. Success was immediate and Kusmi tea quickly became the favorite of the tsars. In 1917, fleeing the Russian revolution, the Kousmichoff family set up their workshops on avenue Niel, in Paris.
But while Kusmi has a long history it is also innovative and forward thinking. Alongside a range of historic blends and traditional black and green teas Kusmi produces delicious wellness and detox teas as well as infusions and decaffeinates. Available loose leaf in tins, as gift sets and in tea bags.
Using almost exclusively organically produced ingredients, responsibly sourced and of the highest quality, reducing and eliminating single use plastic and non-recyclable waste, Kusmi is firmly focused on the future of the planet while, at its production facility in Normandy, remaining committed to producing delicious teas the tsars would be queuing up for.
We are proud and excited to be importing and selling these teas and look forward to introducing them to you. If you’ve tried them already they’ll need no introduction as you’ll know already how wonderful they are!